Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The more I talk, the less you hear

Eat. Sleep. Study. Sleep. Eat. Study. Sleep. Eat. Study. More sleep.

Yes, you can see I don't have any social life. None at all. :(
I'm seriously dying of boredom.
Dying of boredom not because I've got nothing to do though.

Parents have been really strict lately.
They pretty much don't let me go out with my friends.
And I have no idea why. D:

Guess what? I only have 2 classmates in UCSI. :)
Haha. It's pretty awesome tho because we can concentrate more in class and the lecturers pays more attention to us.

My Kai Ma and I ♥

Bangs. And they are really uneven. D:

Oh! Exams coming in two weeks time.
And I haven't study a single thing!
I'm such a lazy bump.
And I hate myself for that. :(

Anyhoo, off to bed!

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