Tuesday, April 21, 2009


'Eh Vivi. Ko bukan on hiatus meh? Exam mah.. Masih nak blog! '

I know, I know but I can't help it but I have to blog. :)

OHR exam had been giving me lots of stress and thank God it was over yesterday.
I know I didn't do well but I know I try and did my very best, and believe that God will do the rest.

There are lots of things I want to blog actually. Haha.
Anyway, my crazy group of friends.

The piercing b*tches. LOL
Me, Nic and Audrey.

Cute couple.
Bro and Nic.
How sweet :)

The crazy hyper dudes.

My beloved brothers, Ian & Victor.
Victor is my young cousin bro btw and he is only 17.
We grew up together since like FOREVER!
I ♥ them both.


All shopping for toys.

And the best picture ever taken in history.
Auntie Daniella buying school bags for her children, Victor and Richard.

Girls, lets get more piercings. One not enough leh. LOL


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