Monday, November 24, 2008

Jogoya at Starhill*

Yay! Finally I got the pictures.
Took them from Wei Ling and Stephanie's blog.
*Wa lupa bawah wa punye digicam on that day so terpaksa ambik the gambar dari mereka.*

Anyway, all of us met at Pavilion first.
Took a picture.

Stephanie, Wendy, Wei Ling and I.
*Dang. I look so chubby in the pic.*

Then later on, headed to Jogoya at Starhill. =D
Really, I was freakin excited. HAHA
As we went in, I was abit blur. I duno why.
We got our sits and were ready to start hunting for food.
The place is so huge and I duno where to start.
There were lost of varieties and I duno what to eat first. LOL
Wei Ling and I then just grab any food that looks delicious.
Seriously. I guess I was eating like a monster cz I was tooooooo hungry. Haha.
So here are the pictures.

Wendy, Stephanie and See Wai.

After eating all the glorious food, we then camwhored. (=

SeeWai, WeiLing, Me, Fiona, Defphane and Ai Hui

My darling WeiLing and I. Haha

Fiona and I

WeiLing, Stephanie, SeeWai, Wendy and I

Fiona's sis and WeiLing. Fiona's sis is such a cutie. All of us just love her. =)

Fiona's sis and Wendy

SeeWai looking sexy in this picture!! hehe

*Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas lovely are your branches.*

Gorgeous Stephanie and I. =)

We even went to Pavilion's toilet to camwhored. Damn syok giler!!! LOL

What a great night. ^^

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