Let's Get It On! gig
Going to be held @ Seventh Heaven, Tampin, Negeri Sembilan on the 28th May.

We're playing along side with two awesome bands.
Coming to Malaysia, all the way from Sydney and Slovakia!
Relentless (Sydney)

Abhorrence (Slovakia)

Besides them, playing along side with us also include awesome local bands such as Kids On The Move, Proclaim The Victory, Homerun and many more!
Come and join us! :D
A few months back, we all had received bad news that Miss May I's gig will be postpone.
And a number of weeks back, we also had received incredibly bad news that Asking Alexandria's gig is cancelled!
But be sad no more my beloved friends!
The Band Shop, Gegey Music and the others will be presenting you a FREE GIG!
FREE! You heard me?
Yes! It's the FORGIVE & FORGET gig!
It's going to be held on the 29th May @ OneCafe!

Datang, jangan tak datang! Ngek!
For those who bought your pre-sale tickets for Miss May I and Asking Alexandria, you can certainly refund your tickets at this gig.
Come and have tons of fun watching all these awesome bands such as Massacre Conspiracy, The Padangs, Ballad For Layla and many so much many many more! :D
I bet you guys are definitely going to have a really great time!
So, see you there!
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