Oh-me-oh-my. This guy is so freaking cute!

Sigh. Missing my stretched earlobes piercing.
Was planning to do like this girl.
I managed to do it until 12mm wide for both side.
Like this.
Taken it out because mom doesn't quite like it.
Well, anyhoo, it's okay.
Now it's back to normal.
It's still abit bigger than the normal piercing size though. Heh.
I love lip piercing and it's my ultimate favorite piercing ever!
I did mine a year ago.
It was a 'piercing-gone-wrong' after 5months from the day I pierced. Sad case.
And I did went for a minor lip surgery too.
It was far most the worst but yet exciting experience ever. Haha.
I remembered the day 17th October 09, I started to have weird feelings on my lips and it's so uncomfortable.
And on the next day, it went super duper swollen and it was really painful!
It began to get worst after hours, the stud was then 'buried' in my inner lip.
It was 'buried' too deep until the outside stud was literally sticking out.
And on the 24th October 09, I had to do a minor surgery to take that lip stud out.
Never will I forget that day.
From that day, no more lip piercing. Sigh.
I also had no idea why it will get infected that bad.
I cleaned it everyday and took good care of it.
Oh well. Haha.
Planning to get the other side of my nose pierce.
And also the other side of my conch ear pierce.
Planning only larh.
Anyway, gotta go.
Got lots of house work to catch up.
Training myself to be a good wife and mom in future.
Okay, I was just joking.
So bye!
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