The second time seeing one of the awesome band live in KL, SAOSIN. :)
My first one was Parkway Drive which was a year ago.
I remember once I found out that Saosin was coming to KL, I was really excited and told myself I must go.
But after knowing the price of the ticket, I was actually thinking twice whether I should go or not.
The ticket was quite pricey and I was almost broke that time. Hah!
At the end, my bro and I decided not to go. =/
Later some day, chatted with Kevin on Facebook. And he told me he was going.
And I was like 'What? I also must go!' LOL
I was so dying to go see them and thought many ways to get the money.
I did save! But still not enough. Like really really not enough.
So, I prayed. :D
After praying, I felt something was telling me to asked my dad.
My dad?? I remember he is the type who doesn't encourage and mostly don't allow me to attend concerts which are costly, real costly, like this one.
I was afraid to ask him and expected his answer to be 'NO!'.
But I told myself why not give it a try la.
I did. Unexpectedly, he said YES! And he is willing to pay the rest of the money which I failed to save!
Thank God for such an amazing dad! :)
So the last day of my finals, my Winnie teman-ed me to buy the tickets! Thank you babe. :D
There I was at KL Life Center, saw Saosin live!
Went there with Kevin. :)
Met new friends, Li Hui and Julian.
Met lots and lots of familiar faces.
Eve, Darren, Scott, Sarah, Nash, Avril and many many many more. Heh!
Supporting act Love Me Butch indeed was amazing. The crowd already went wild once they started playing.
And yes, the crowd went totally insane when Saosin came out, even before they started playing!
Imagine once they start playing. Haha.
Indeed, Saosin was so so so awesome!
The drummer is super-duper-freaking-giler-fulamak awesome! ♥
Everything was awesome.
And fulamak falala, got one huge circle pit weh!
I always wanted to be in a circle pit or a mosh pit. Harhar.
But it's definitely extremely dangerous for a petite bitch like me. I'll be broken into pieces within seconds.
Anyhoos, I had a really great time! A day which I would always remember. :)
So, pictures.
And those pictures aren't mine, stole them from Julian's Facebook. Haha.
Neh, my camera la, not enough battery. Ish. :(
I did not use it to snap Saosin but snap with friends loh.
Love Me Butch

Alex Rodriguez. Hehe!
After the show.
Kevin and I.
Rockstar Eve and I
Li Hui and I.
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