Vivian is my name.
God inspired my mom to name me Vivian.
I really love my name and I'm really glad God calls me Vivian. =]
Vivian means lively, vivacious.

I was indeed curious to know how was I like during my childhood years.
So I asked my mom.
My mom told me I was a very lively little girl.
My personality really showed out the meaning of my name that time.
I love singing, dancing, telling stories in front of people.
And I talk a lot too.
I just did them naturally in public like nobody's business.
My parents even told me when I was doing my potty business, I was singing and telling stories to them.
I was always happy, smiling every time.
I was not shy and not a quiet person.
And I'm full of confidence.
But once I reach my teenage years, like now,
I was not the lively girl which I used to be last time.
And I'm really disappointed with myself.
I'm shy, and a very quiet person.
I don't know but I feel that I'm a boring person.
I don't talk much because I'm scared I will say the wrong thing.
This makes me feel that I'm a weird person.
All I do is laugh laugh laugh like some psycho laughing freak when I'm around with people.
I won't talk but just hear their conversation.
And I only know how to smile at people but won't talk a single word.
Weird ryte?
Yeah, I know.
And it turns out to be that I'm not having any confidence in myself.
Anyway, I bet God is disappointed with me too.
He named me this wonderful name Vivian but I did not bring out the meaning of my name in me.
I'm suppose to be full of liveliness.
But I'm not having this superb liveliness in me.
Sometimes I just tell myself that I'm just being me, the shy quiet person that holds back everything.
But as I think about my name, I now know that I'm not being me. I'm being somebody else.
I really want God to bring back this lively personality in me, that shows the meaning of my name.
Oh God, please help me. ='[
The girl above is called Vivian.
I really love my name and I'm really glad God calls me Vivian. =]
Vivian means lively, vivacious.

I was indeed curious to know how was I like during my childhood years.
So I asked my mom.
My mom told me I was a very lively little girl.
My personality really showed out the meaning of my name that time.
I love singing, dancing, telling stories in front of people.
And I talk a lot too.
I just did them naturally in public like nobody's business.
My parents even told me when I was doing my potty business, I was singing and telling stories to them.
I was always happy, smiling every time.
I was not shy and not a quiet person.
And I'm full of confidence.
But once I reach my teenage years, like now,
I was not the lively girl which I used to be last time.
And I'm really disappointed with myself.
I'm shy, and a very quiet person.
I don't know but I feel that I'm a boring person.
I don't talk much because I'm scared I will say the wrong thing.
This makes me feel that I'm a weird person.
All I do is laugh laugh laugh like some psycho laughing freak when I'm around with people.
I won't talk but just hear their conversation.
And I only know how to smile at people but won't talk a single word.
Weird ryte?
Yeah, I know.
And it turns out to be that I'm not having any confidence in myself.
Anyway, I bet God is disappointed with me too.
He named me this wonderful name Vivian but I did not bring out the meaning of my name in me.
I'm suppose to be full of liveliness.
But I'm not having this superb liveliness in me.
Sometimes I just tell myself that I'm just being me, the shy quiet person that holds back everything.
But as I think about my name, I now know that I'm not being me. I'm being somebody else.
I really want God to bring back this lively personality in me, that shows the meaning of my name.
Oh God, please help me. ='[

okay , im reading this and im writing it ... you are not weird ! okay , i don't know you well , but hey , im weirder than you if i am to admit it :p .. i blow up of sudden , i scream out of sudden , i even laugh out of sudden .. ( dun tell des this o he'll think im a weirdo too :p ) you have a nice name alrite .. seriously , i hate my name .. it sounds so mad ... haha ... you have talent and stuff .. that's a great gift God has given you ! honestly , iwish i could play , but , im like a real slow learner , i can't press the guitar string right or hard .. the drum also kill me .. i can't sing too ! i sound like wu ya XP .. haha .. neway , be proud of yourself ! be happy ya ! cheers !
Hey magdeline =]
thanks for the encouragement.
wel, dont hate ur name.
ur name is awesome too.
God bless you hun ^^
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