It was fun. Weeee. But too bad, Aron cant make it.
So happy...

My bro as usual, crazy. whoopz haha
Then, I took some picz of some things. One word, wu liao..

WTH is this? the floor..haha
Dan then suggested to go to the toys department. So we went. We saw a lot of toys haha. Nice toys. And some candy toy guns. We took and played and we were like super noisy. but oh well, none of the peepz complain. haha We had a fun time.
Here's me n my bro. AAARGH! he is trying to kill me...not really

Bro trying to be the pariah Hitman WITH HAIR....*laughing and rolling on the floor*
Then, later Joey called and he arrived. So we meet up with him than headed to Pertama Komplex.
Our purpose of goin thre was to find band teez. Went to every shop but cant find the right one. Bro and Joey was finding Suicide Silence band tee but sudah habis.......*sad*
Oh yeah! forgotten bout Rus haha. He was in skool so couldnt join us earlier.
nyway, Dan and Joey stomach started growling so we went mamak to makan. keke.

My limau ais..

After makaning, Rus called. So he was at Kota Raya and we went to meet him thre.
So, owh..and I met Pui Teng with her boo in the LRT. Waved and said 'Hi!'
Then, met Rus and Afiff at Kota Raya.
Saw a lot of angmo kia thre. Wahahahahahaha..
We went to a music shop in Kota Raya to find some band teez. Too bad. Dont have the band teez we want either. Feeling kinda dissapointed though.
After that, we went for a walk at Petaling Street.
Getting bored.................................
So bro then suggested we go to have a walk in Central Market and Masjid India.
And we went.
Finally, Masjid India. I bought a RM10 sunnies, bro bought a RM10 wallet, and Joey aslo bought a RM10 sunnies.
OMG, damn cheap weh.................................
Later, all of us were gettin really tired so, home.
So we said, 'chaoz', bye dudes', 'take care', 'see u guyz dz sunday' and some handshake. lolz.
Then, we went our seperated ways, around 5.15pm.
Well, later, Bro and I and Oli 's stomachs started growling. haha.
so after we went back to our place, Oli drove us to Kuchai Lama to eat.
We ate at Hainanese Kopitiam.=]

My dish, mee hoon soup. haha

Me, drinking my coffee.
1 comment: sorry for the huge amount of spelling error and bad vocab. Oppz. And why is thre a huge space at the end of this post? AAARGH! i dont know. ^^
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