I think it is really important to support our local music scene, especially the underground ones.
I've met lots and lots of amazing, really talented people in our local underground music scene.
And they are indeed true musicians.
As an act to appreciate the local underground music scene, I've decided to start updating post entitle "Bands.I.Love", introducing bands that you may not have heard before.
So, the first band!
Massacre Conspiracy, also known as MC16.
They are one of the most well known underground bands.

From left: OneJet(Bass), Sonny(Guitar), Ax(Keys/Synth), Ash, Faiz(Guitar), Mio, Emy(Drums)
Check out their single "Bloodless". It's one of my fave :)
For more of them, check them out at:
Facebook *click
MySpace *click
And yes, they are worth listening to.
So support them!